Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry 2011 Christmas

Merry 2011 Christmas

Me and My Grandkids on Christmas Eve, Ready for Santa to come

Laura and Mariah just home from Christmas Eve Mass

The Gingerbread that Kate, Mariah and Darby
decorated for the Cookie Decorating contest
at the Marriott Resort in Orlando, on Christmas Eve.

Look Moms - ALL CLEAN

Wishing you all a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I am feeling very Blessed this Year and Especially at Christmas. This is a time for Celebrating the Dawn of our Salvation, the Birth of Jesus. This birth of Gods son has brought forth into our Lives, a wonder and awe of the Miracles that surround us every day. There were no cameras 2000+ yrs ago, only word of mouth spread the "story" thats been told over and over again of the events that day. And historians have found little actual evidence, but they surmise that Dec 25th from what the story tell of this event, was probably NOT the actual time or day of Birth of Jesus. But long ago the tradition of this day and time was set. And the stories recorded in the Bible, were written long after the event as well. I am always amazed that without "real proof" or photos etc. that the story continues to be accepted and shared with every generation of Christians around the World. I BELIEVE and ALWAYS WILL. I Feel Gods PRESENCE in My Life EVERYDAY. I know that I am Saved and Am a Child of His. This Christmas 2011, was spent with Family, some of my West Coast family came "East" to share with East coasters..My niece from San Diego, CA and her family and my niece from Portland, Oregon with her daughter came to Florida to be with their Dad..its his First Christmas living in his new home in Floridas "The Villages". My daughter and her family and I, and those visiting Florida...all met up in Orlando and spent one day at DISNEY...a Magical Kingdom for sure. We spent some time at "each" of our Resorts / Timeshares that we each had, and all the kids had fun exploring the pools and activities going on. All the 3rd cousins had a good time together, and my granddaughter and my San Diego nieces one daughter became fast friends. I know that my late sister "Pinky/Flo" and my sweet Paul - are beaming their smiles from Heaven and are so proud of their families. They are all growing up and are happy,healthy and a joy to be around.

The WOMEN, Me, Laura, Karen, Kate, Mariah, Darby, Jessie, Diane

Fire Power

My family at Disney Dec 23, 2011

Mickey and Minnie

Cool Green Waters flowing at Disney

Red, White and Green - Everywhere in the Park

Niece Karen and daughter Kate from Oregon,
Kate in her Sparkling really glowed

The MEN, Tony & Josh, Andy and his boys Vaughn and Ian

The San Diego Crew

Darby and Mariah

Niece Diane and son-in-law Tony

Daughter Laura and grandson Joshua
The Grandparents, Me and My Brother in Law

Andy and his oldest daughter Jessie

Niece Karen, with her daughter Kate, and nephews Ian and Vaughn

The Kick Line Darby, Mariah, Laura, Josh, and Diane

Available link for download