Saturday, December 24, 2016

Micro Videos

Micro Videos

Since joining Instagram, Ive been having fun making micro-videos. (link to YouTube).

I went through some of my video files and found some stray clips that werent long enough to make into full-blown YouTube videos. Because theyre so short, I upload them to YouTube as unlisted videos. That way they can be embedded here on the blog, but they dont get announced to my YouTube subscribers. I also upload the micro videos to Facebook and Twitter, where I assume they reach a mostly non-overlapping audience.

Until recently, Instagram wouldnt let you upload a video longer than 15 seconds. I have enjoyed that strict limitation. It forces me to set a mood or to tell a story quickly. When it plays on Instagram, it cycles around several times. The effect is hypnotic and immersive, like being dropped for a moment into someones elses shoes.

Instagram has just now lengthened its video limit to one minute, which gives a lot more scope for storytelling.
My Instagram feed has mostly different material from the blog.
Previous Posts:
Painting Landscapes in Iowa on Amtrak
Painting Tiny Landscapes from the TGV
Sketching on Moving Trains in Europe

Available link for download