Monday, March 20, 2017

Matts Excellent Portland Adventure

Matts Excellent Portland Adventure

Welp, Its that time of the year. A time when we all need to reflect on why we should be thankful. Me, I have absolutlely nothing to not be thankful for. Yes, I could go on and on about my wonderful wife, the fact that i am still doing hand drawn animation for a living, and that we have so much more than 90 percent of the world. But honestly, what i am driven to confess is my thankfulness is for a God who loved me enough to die for me so that i may live. All else is rubbish compared to knowing Jesus as Lord of my life-- I am thankful indeed!
As for other news, I am affraid that posts are going to slow down dramatically for a while. I have taken a job up at Laika in Portland! Its not permenant, and i will mostly be working freelance from home though i will need to be spending a good long chunk of time up there in house. Ill be on "Coraline" doing hand drawn animation-- there is no hand drawn in the film, but they are using a lot of it for reference and other things. Ive heard the film is looking amazing! Someone up there even told me that from the reels theyve seen its as strong as the "Iron Giant". Now, Ill take that with a grain of salt for now but if its true this could be pretty freakin cool!
Anyhow, I do not intend on not ever posting, if i do itll be small for now. No tutorials for a while--thanks for your patience everyone and to my students at CalArts, rock on and finish strong! Ill see you guys next semester! Cheers!

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